Dr. Cheryl Townsley Discusses the Vi-Shake Posted by ViSalus  March 1, 2013

Dr. Cheryl Townsley is a renowned doctor who has received degrees as a Naturopathic Doctor, Master Herbalist, and Enzyme Therapy Specialist amongst other certificates. Cheryl also started the Lifestyle for Health TV Show and created the Lifestyle for Health Clinic which worked with over 22,000 people with over 1,500 products. After years of working with different products and seeing various results, she focused on one product that she felt was the most complete meal replacement shake on the market: the ViSalus Vi-Shake. Watch below as Dr. Townsley does an in-depth breakdown of the benefits of using ViSalus products.

To learn more about Dr. Cheryl Townsley and to see similar videos, visit her website Lifestyle For Health!

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