
Project 10 Weekly Winners- 3/11/2013

Congratulations Guys!


Pamela Fusco

Kit- Shape Kit

What factors contributed to your weight gain?

I have had a weight problem all my life and have always struggled to lose weight. Sometimes I would lose it only to gain it back again. I ended up having a major heart attack in 2008 and was placed on medications which make it very difficult to lose weight. The medications paired with my naturally slow metabolism made weight gain easy and weight loss hard.

What motivated you to lose the first 10 pounds?

I was motivated to lose weight because I didn’t like to look at myself in the mirror anymore. I didn’t like to walk around having no energy. I was truly tired of the way I felt. Not to mentioned, I wanted to be able to wear clothes that fit and looked good on me.

What is one tip you would give someone to help them lose their first 10 pounds?

You must believe that you can do it and utilize the support that is out there for you. Conquer the fear and remain dedicated!

How do you feel after losing your first 10 pounds?

I am now more motivated to eat healthy.

What factors contributed to your initial 10 pound weight loss?

The support of my friends and family, drinking Vi-Shakes every day and going public with my goal were important to my success.

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